• Health Care Freedom is a Right, not a privilege!

    California Health Freedom Coalition is working to protect freedom of access to alternative health care in California

OUR Mission

With the passage of SB-577 and its implementation on January 1, 2003, we are in the process of revising our Mission Statement to reflect our new role in the implementation and protection of this ground-breaking legislation.

With your support, we also hope to develop new strategies and resources for making complementary and alternative services even more accessible in California.

When you register on this web site, we will send you updates about the work of CHFC.

January 1, 2003: The dawn of a new era…

On September 23, 2002, history was made in California.

With the unanimous support of the legislature, Governor Davis signed into law SB-577, sponsored by the California Health Freedom Coalition (CHFC) and authored by Senator John Burton.

As of January 1, 2003, California law now recognizes the professional legitimacy of alternative and complementary health care practitioners and healers allowing them, for the first time, to be able to legally provide and advertise their services in California.

As Governor Davis noted, SB-577 “will ease access to alternative and complementary health care options for all Californians.” He also stated that “the bill provides adequate safeguards for California consumers and enables them to make an informed choice regarding their personal health care.”

With the implementation of this legislation, CHFC now moves from advocacy (getting the bill passed) to implementation (educating health care practitioners and consumers about the new law). While you can still read about how we got the bill passed, this web site will now focus on providing resources and support to those practicing and those receiving unlicensed health care services in California. Click on one of the buttons for more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions that are not answered on this site or can suggest other resources that would be useful to providers or consumers.

In the meantime, I want to thank all of our thousands of supporters in California and around the nation for your help in making this revolutionary legislation possible.

John Melnychuk, R.S.Hom (N.A) C.C.H.
President, California Health Freedom Coalition

Latest News

SB577 signed into law by Governor Davis!

WE DID IT. With your help, the California legislature has now passed landmark health freedom legislation that guarantees health freedom not only for our state, but changes the health freedom climate nationwide.


Well, folks, we've done it. With your help, SB577 has now passed both the California Senate and the California Assembly!

Looking at the brass ring! The Assembly will vote very soon.

With your help, the CHFC has entered the final stretch in its quest to win health freedom for all Californians.