Preparing for October 23 Senate hearing on Alternative Medicine
On October 23, the CHFC will present testimony to a Senate hearing on alternative medicine in Sacramento. This hearing has been called by Senator Liz Figueroa, chair of the Senate Business and Professions Committee — the committee that regulates medical practice in the state. This is our first important step in the legislative process. The next step will be having our bill considered directly by the B&P committee, most likely sometime in January.
During the October hearing, we will be presenting our bill, SB577, and its rationale. Other parties with an interest in complementary and alternative medicine (pro and con, along with different approaches) will also present their viewpoints. We hope to be influential in shaping the way California handles alternative medicine in the future. We will make the case that the best way to protect citizen health freedom in California is the simple and straightforward approach advocated by SB577.
In particular, SB577 will narrow the overly broad scope of the Medical Practice Act, thereby allowing unlicensed healers to practice freely, as long as they do not perform certain proscribed activities. SB577’s approach is a commonsense one. If a healing practice is inherently not potentially harmful, its practice should not be prohibited and its availability should not be curtailed. The bill will be applicable to any nonlicensed person performing a healing practice, will not interfere with past or future licensing, and will not remove any of the legal protections consumers already have.
What’s New:
At this time, we need a few important things from you:
- Once again, please continue to refer everyone you know to our site and tell them to sign up: Increasing the number of our supporters is still our first priority. With your help we can do it ! When committee votes come up starting early next year, enlisting letter writing and phone calls by our supporters will be extremely important.
- We are also beginning to feel the pinch — and that means fundraising. We would welcome any contribution you can spare at this time. A more concerted fundraising effort will be made after the October hearing. See the page on fundraising on this site for information on where to send your contribution.
- We need formal endorsements from organizations, health support networks, celebrities, or prominent health professionals/officials. Please contact our office and/or send a letter of endorsement.
- Stay tuned to this site! Things will be heating up, and this page (What’s New) will be the place to find out what’s up and what to do to help us.